Every year, approximately 90,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD), a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement, coordination, and cognition. As symptoms worsen over time, many individuals find it increasingly difficult to work and perform daily activities. If you have severe PD and are no longer able to work, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can provide essential financial support. However, qualifying for these benefits isn’t always straightforward, even if you have a PD diagnosis.
What Is Parkinson’s Disease?
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system. Involuntary movements like shaking or stiffness lead people with PD to struggle with balance and coordination. Symptoms usually present first on one side of the body, or even one limb on one side of the body, before progressing to the other side. The four primary symptoms of PD include:
1.Tremors in the extremities or head
2.Muscle stiffness and limb rigidity
3.Slow movement
4.Weakened balance and coordination
Depression; blank facial expressions; difficulty swallowing, chewing, and speaking; urinary or constipation issues; and skin problems may also be present. As the disease moves to the brain in later stages, dementia becomes a major complication.
Unfortunately, disability for Parkinson’s is a reality for many, as the disease is presently incurable. Physical therapy can assist with maintaining muscle strength over time. Some medications help manage symptoms, but they work with varying degrees of success. Not every patient suffering from the condition sees their condition managed with current medication options.
Does Parkinson’s Qualify for Social Security Disability?
PD can make working difficult to impossible, especially as symptoms worsen. Many who suffer from PD look into Social Security benefits, either through SSDI or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). To obtain benefits, you need to be officially diagnosed with PD. No singular test can provide a definitive PD diagnosis; rather, your diagnosis must be based on a full evaluation of your symptoms and a neurological exam.
As with almost all conditions, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has a Blue Book listing of the criteria you must meet to qualify for disability benefits stemming from your PD diagnosis. If you meet the listing criteria and are unable to work because of your condition, you will likely qualify for benefits.
Disability Eligibility for Parkinson’s Disease
If you have PD and are trying to obtain either SSDI or SSI benefits, you must document at least one of the following scenarios:
Despite at least three months of treatment, you are unable to control the movement of at least two extremities, resulting in extreme difficulty or inability to balance while standing or walking, using arms, or standing up from a seated position.
You have substantial physical impairments with considerable functional limitations in one of the following areas: thinking (understanding, applying, or remembering information), interacting with others, or finishing tasks (problems with speed, persistence, or concentration).
If you don’t think you meet these requirements, it’s possible you could still qualify for benefits under medical-vocational rules if you can demonstrate that your condition is so severe that it significantly limits your ability to perform even basic work-related activities. Work with your doctor to clearly document all of your symptoms and be specific when filing your claim.
When to Work With an SSDI Attorney
Parkinson’s disease is a challenging condition. Even in its early stages, the disease has a noticeable effect on the body. If you have PD and are no longer able to work, SSDI or SSI can provide vital income. As experienced Social Security disability lawyers, Jeffrey Freedman Attorneys can assist you with the entire application and appeals process, increasing your chances of ultimately getting approved for benefits. Contact our office today to learn more about Parkinson’s and disability benefits.