Jeffrey Freedman Attorneys, PLLC, recently celebrated 45 years of serving clients in the areas of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims, personal injury, Veterans and long-term disability, Workers Compensation, Bankruptcy and employment discrimination. Since the firm was founded in 1980, it has helped more than 50,000 clients in total; 22,000 claimants with SSD and SSI benefits; has obtained more than $3 billion in SSD and SSI benefits; and $10 million in personal injury settlements for clients.
The firm has offices in Buffalo and Rochester, a newly opened Boynton Beach, FL, office; and can now serve SSD and SSI claimants nationwide. Staff offer remote appointments for the convenience of clients whose medical conditions limit their ability to meet in person.
“When I opened our offices in 1980, I wanted to put my experience as a bankruptcy trustee to use and help people who had gotten in debt due to medical bills, job loss or divorce,” said Jeffrey Freedman, managing attorney. “Since medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in this country, it was natural to segue into helping folks who had been injured or become ill and could no longer work file claims for SSD and SSI. Over the years, SSD and SSI have become a major focus at our practice.”
The United States has the most strict criteria for awarding disability benefits in the developed world. This makes it very difficult and time-consuming to file a claim for benefits without the help of an attorney who is proficient in that area of the law. Additionally, many SSD applicants have financial difficulties because they go without income for up to two or more years before receiving benefits.
“Our firm is dedicated to helping people who are really in need,” Freedman said. “SSD clients face a lot of challenges in addition to their illnesses or injuries. They are without an income, they are dealing with the medical establishment, and they are fighting to get benefits from a program they’ve paid into for their entire working lives.
“Waiting to go through the process, have a hearing and get a decision on benefits can be a very challenging time for claimants. Our staff prides themselves on being accessible to our clients. We find it very satisfying assisting people and providing support during this time.”
The Social Security Administration has been underfunded since 2011, and struggles with shortages of staffing and outdated technology, he said.
“We’re proud to have been able to stay knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the system and to have had 45 years of success helping people get the financial support they need to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.”