My boss is really mean to me. Would this be considered discrimination?
It largely depends on what your boss is actually saying or doing. If your boss is being mean to you because of your race, age, gender, etc., and you feel you have the evidence to prove that, then yes, it could be considered discrimination. That said, the laws generally don’t protect employees against mean or difficult bosses. You must be in one of the protected classes AND the boss’s conduct must be serious enough to have adverse effects on you. Again, there is some gray area here so if you are thinking you may have a case, it’s best to contact us for a consultation.
I know I’m being discriminated against but I’m afraid to say anything for fear of what my employer will do. What are my rights?
If you are being discriminated against, it is within your legal rights to report it. Your employer is prohibited from retaliating against you for reporting employment discrimination, filing a lawsuit due to discrimination or for participating in an investigation of such discrimination. For that reason, you shouldn’t be afraid to contact an attorney or to pursue the protection of the law.
I was fired but I don’t believe it was justified. Is this discrimination?
It depends on a number of factors. In general, if your employer has been documenting disciplinary actions that they have taken against you and they’ve been sharing this with you, then they probably have a case for firing you. That said, if you have not received any warnings or notice of documented discipline, you may have a case depending on your employers internal policies and what they cited as your reason for termination.
What do I need to prove I’ve been discriminated against?
Proving discrimination can be difficult because it often happens behind closed doors. With that said, if your employer makes comments to you about your age, race, gender, etc. and how these things affect your job, start documenting the date and time they happened. Be sure to write down the exact statement they made. If you feel you are being discriminated against and need help building a case, contact us for a consultation.
Can you file a discrimination case if you feel someone didn’t hire you on the basis of race, age, pregnancy, etc.?
You can, but proving someone did not hire you because of one of these things may difficult. There would need to be evidence that your claim is justified. If they said something to you during the interview process that indicates they may have discriminated against you, document it and contact us.
How are you paid for employment discrimination cases?
We work for you for free until your case is won. Once we receive a settlement for you, we would be given a fee from your settlement.